Agent Carter Sunglasses

Thank you for all your inquiries about the Agent Carter sunglasses.
A little backstory: Agent Carter (Hayley Atwell) was an instant hit with her red hat. The show’s Prop Master, Scott Maginnis, wanted sunglasses that would fit the period yet also be distinctive. And in red. We took our butterscotch colored Architect frame and custom dyed it red and installed green lenses. And the rest, as they say, is history!
These sunglasses have proven so popular (thank you!) that we have a waiting list started. We expect to get another shipment in by the end of the summer and then we will need to dye and install lenses. So it might be September before they’re ready.
If you want to know when they will be available please join our mailing list and write “Agent Carter Red Sunglasses” in the comments area.