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How Gary Oldman Found George Smiley’s Glasses for Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy

Gary Oldman
Gary Oldman

That guy. That Place in Pasadena.

“The glasses had to be as iconic as an Aston Martin. A dry martini,” explains Gary Oldman about his desire to find the quintessential eyewear for George Smiley in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.  A poster on Hollywood Blvd. for Colin Firth’s “A Single Man” assured him he was close to finding them.  Then, a passing mention in an airport magazine about a unique eyewear shop in Pasadena, California and Oldman knew he found “the place” and “the guy” that could help realize his vision. Yep, Old Focals is  “That place in Pasadena” and Russ Campbell is “That guy.”

